Saturday, March 23, 2013

Annual Day 2013

Dr. Mohan Agashe
The Richmond Fellowship Society (India), Delhi Branch celebrated, Annual  Day on 24th February, 2013 at VISHWAS in Greater Noida. Padamshree Dr. Mohan Agashe, noted psychiatrist, stage and film Actor was Chief Guest.The members of VISHWAS presented a thoroughly entertaining programme consisting of songs, dance, jokes and poetry. The programme was anchored by Counsellor Anshika Pant.

The guests included psychiatrists, psychologists, Carers, social workers, Governing Council Members and many other well wishers of the Society.

Dr. K.M. Khurana, President, RFSI, Delhi Branch
In his speech, Dr. Krishan Mohan Khurana, President, Richmond Fellowship, Delhi Banch narrated how Delhi Branch was established in year 1999. He also emphasized need for greater involvement of families in rehabilitation of mental health patients at Halfway Homes.

Dr. Mohan Agashe narrated  first hand experience he had in Latur where he had gone as Prinicipal Investigator after devastating earthquake in 1994. He found that  the story of every person suffering from mental disorder was different  and therefore,  each person needed individual treatment. He believes that knowledge acquired from Psychiatry text books is not sufficient. Real knowledge about mental health comes from seeing and active listening to the persons suffering from mental health problems.
Dr. Agashe mentioned that, in urban areas, joint families are increasingly being replaced by nuclear families.  Mental health problems are multiplying since emotional and mental support system is missing in nuclear families.

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